I am sure I’m not the only recruiter expecting a fair number of enthused people looking to review their options for change early in 2020.
It’s a New Year thing.
When I worked as a Kingpin in Recruitment Advertising, we dusted off our New Year, New Career features every year along with the Christmas baubles. This made perfect sense as January has always been a key month for people to consider that new job or career change that they’ve been putting off.
Let’s face it, what else is there to do? It’s usually cold and/ or wet and mostly dark and many of us are strapped for cash. A good incentive to try and be less poor next year perhaps.
This time around, we have some of the political uncertainty behind us too, which might lead to more of us feeling bolder about a new step. Plenty more to come of course, but I detect a little more confidence among business leaders and the population at large.
Anyway I’ve been thinking a lot about the word resolution. We certainly hear it more at this time of year.
Resolve, resolute – really powerful words suggesting determination, obstinance and an iron will.
Yet stick New Year in front and many of us show all the resolve of a snowman in the thaw and that is a microcosm of the recruitment game.
I find one of the hardest things in recruitment is separating those with genuine resolve and those who are casually looking. The latter group might typically be seeing what’s out there or fishing for a show of love from their current employer. There are also people whose interest in a new job oscillates between not going anywhere and desperate to get out depending on whether it’s been a good or bad day.
I often ask candidates how serious they are about finding a new role (scale of one to 10). It’s not especially scientific (many say 10, and then move to a cave) but it’s about trying to get the individual to think about that.
At Halmer Financial, we talk about our kind of people and being genuinely committed to a change is one of the fundaments. Honesty is vital, and being honest with one’s self and us, makes everything much easier.
I have helped bus-loads of people into new jobs who have been an absolute pleasure to work with. One of the core reasons is that their resolve to find a new job has been consistent and unshakeable. My kind of people.
Happily we are expecting a large number of exciting new roles in January across a full range of disciplines in Accountancy & Finance, Financial Services and General Insurance. Our reach is predominantly in the South but we will always do our best to help proactively where we have fewer roles in other parts of the UK.
We would love to hear from you if you are committed to a change.
Only the resolute need apply.
Happy New Year, all. With very best wishes for 2020.